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Tifa Talovic

280 Huyshope Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106


Mrs. Amy Boutillier

Sport and Medical Sciences Academy

280 Huyshope Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106


Dear Mrs. Boutillier:


For my Capstone, I have decided to create an Instagram page called @smsareads, where people can go and find apps to download/read free eBooks. Following this, I plan on releasing weekly posts about different types of genres and book recommendations for those genres. I also plan on making a presentation to promote daily reading and my Instagram page, and present it to a variety of English classes in my school. The target population for my project are middle school and high school students from SMSA. I am interested in doing this project because I understand that at a time like this, not many people feel comfortable being in close proximity, even if safety measures are being implemented. I also hope to inspire others to start reading, something that I have noticed from my close peers is that they are interested and would like to start reading more, however, they're not really sure where to begin.


My research question is: How does reading daily impact academic performance in middle school students? This is connected to my Capstone because it will show the importance of reading, how it improves our performance and how it impacts our future. There are a few types of artifacts that I will gather, first will be the Instagram page and the posts about the resources and book recommendations. Next I can get testimonials from followers and those impacted by my project. Finally, I will be creating and giving a presentation to middle school students about the importance of reading and why we should be reading more often. 


My mentor is Katherine Trouern-Trend. She works at the Hartford Public Library in the Downtown branch as a Youth and Family Outreach Services Librarian. She has worked at the library for many years and has a focus for young adult books. She has also done work in social media for the book industry. Her email is My learning stretch would be getting out of my comfort zone and networking with different libraries and adults, also, having to get my program out there for people to use. This project will help me improve my communication skills and become more involved in my local community.




Tifa Talovic

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